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Building Operator Certification® (BOC) is the leading national training and certification program for building engineers and maintenance personnel. Our graduates make their buildings more comfortable, efficient and environmentally friendly thanks to skills they master in our classes.


The Level I course series offers eight one-day classes, with Level II subsequently offering seven one-day classes. Course series consist of project assignments to be completed at the participant’s facility, as well as in-class tests administered at the end of each day of training.  For more program specifics, visit the national BOC site or check out the BOC Program Guide.

The BOC credential is just as valuable to building owners as it is to operators. Our graduates help their organizations substantially cut operating costs–as much as $20,000 per year, thanks to energy conservation projects, air quality improvements, and other initiatives. 

Visit the BOC Training page for more on course classes, schedules, and tuition.

Got Questions? Watch a FREE recorded BOC Informational Webcast right now.

Xcel Energy now offering cash-back incentives for BOC training! Learn more…

Xcel Energy now offering cash-back incentives for BOC training! Learn more…

Efficiency Works Business is pleased to announce a $1,200 incentive to support more efficient operation of buildings in Estes Park, Fort Collins, Longmont and Loveland.

BOAC discounts available

BOAC discounts available

IFMA discount available

IFMA discount available

For more information about BOC Colorado or registration, contact: