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BOC Training

Building Operator Certification Training

Got BOC Program Questions? Call 720-408-4888 or watch a FREE recorded BOC Informational Webcast right now.

BOC instructor Nick Buike of Group14 Engineering leads a discussion regarding the consequences of reactive maintenance. Excerpt recorded during BOC 1001 Energy Efficient HVAC Operations class on June 24, 2020.

Visit our youtube channel for more BOC class clips.


BOC Level I is intended for those with two or more years of experience in building operations and maintenance who wish to broaden their knowledge of the total building system. The course series consists of 8 full days of classroom training, project work to be completed at the participant’s facility, and in-class quizzes administered at the end of each day of training. Students can expect an estimated 74-hour commitment to achieve the Training Certificate of Completion.

location: Zoom

Tuition: $2,395

(Includes all 7 classes / 8 full-days of training)

Questions? Call or Email: 720-408-4888,

Please note, registration closes 9/3/25