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Check out BOC videos:

BOC instructor Nick Buike, Group 14 Engineering, discusses the management of air pressure in various facilities. Excerpt recorded during day one of BOC Colorado's 1001 Energy Efficient HVAC Operations course on June 24, 2020.

Don Larson, director of engineering at a major medical center, tells how Building Operator Certification (BOC) training builds a competent and confident workforce. "The better the building operates the better the environment in the space" — a plus for patients, visitors and staff.
NEEA’s Building Operator Certification (BOC) Expansion provides skill enhancement training to improve building energy performance through operation and maintenance best practices for HVAC, lighting, and controls systems.

Building Operator Certification (BOC®) is a hands-on training in HVAC, lighting and energy benchmarking for the region’s building maintenance employees. Through BOC training, these employees gain the experience and competitive knowledge to help their facilities improve building energy performance.

BOC instructor Nick Buike, Group14 Engineering leads a discussion regarding the consequences of reactive maintenance. Excerpt recorded during day one of BOC Colorado's 1001 Energy Efficient HVAC Operations course on June 24, 2020.

Building Operator Certification (BOC®) is a hands-on training in HVAC, lighting and energy benchmarking for the region’s building maintenance employees. Through BOC training, these employees gain the experience and competitive knowledge to help their facilities improve building energy performance.

Dennis Bursell, Facilities and Maintenance Manager at Clark Fork Valley Hospital in Plains, Montana, talks about his Building Operator Certification (BOC) training and the value of certifying his staff.